Scholarships, Awards and Support


The following is a list of funding opportunities that are offered in Political Science on a yearly basis. Students from both main campus and Shady Grove are invited to apply for these opportunities.

Students may apply for multiple opportunities, but may only receive one award per calendar year.


  • The Terry and Patricia Nolan Foundation Support (for students in pre-law who wish to pursue an unpaid internship in the legal field; usually around $500). Applications for funding for unpaid internships are due March 15th.     Apply Here 
  • The Wilmer, Cutler, and Pickering Pre-Law Foundation Support (for students in pre-law who wish to pursue an unpaid internship in the legal field; usually around $500).  Applications for funding for unpaid internships are due March 15th.  Apply Here 
  • Support from the Department of Political Science for an unpaid internship (for Political Science students who wish to pursue an unpaid internship in any field in political science or public policy during a regular semester or the summer; $2000) The application deadline for this award is December 15 (Spring semester) and April 15th (Summer semester).  Apply Here



  • Arthur Johnson Transfer Scholarship– The scholarship is awarded to a student who has transferred from another college or university, is majoring in Political Science, has a minimum 3.00 UMBC cumulative GPA, and has at least 24 UMBC credits. The deadline is May 30th to be considered for support in the following academic year. Financial support of $3,000-3,500 is anticipated. Applicants should apply through the Scholarship and Financial Aid Office and provide the following information with their application.
    1. Please describe how you will use these scholarship funds to further your education and future goals.
    2. Please upload an unofficial academic transcript.
    3. Please upload a resume.

        Click here for more information. 



  • William R. Ermatinger Scholarship Endowment 

Award: $2,200; Deadline 5/30/25

This scholarship is award to undergraduate students who demonstrate need. First preference will be given to students majoring in political science, followed by majors in other social sciences.  The William R. Ermatinger Scholarship Endowment was established in 2021 by William R. Ermatinger

Apply Here 

  • Rhonda J. Ray ’90 Endowed Scholarship 

Award: $3,000; Deadline 5/30/25; This is a need-based scholarship for students majoring in political science who demonstrate a commitment to advancing racial, ethnic and/or social equity in the administration of public services and policy. Students must be (rising) juniors or seniors and have a minimum 2.8 GPA. This fund was established by James R. Ray, Jr. in memory of his sister, Rhonda Ray, class of 1990.

Apply Here 

  • Pittman Family Scholarship Fund

For Political Science students; varying amounts, usually around $3,000: This scholarship is awarded to students in the Departments of Economics and Political Science at UMBC. The Pittman Family Scholarship Fund was established in November 2006 by Kenneth L. and Patricia D. Pittman.


  • Study Abroad Scholarship

For Political Science majors who wish to pursue a UMBC faculty-led summer/winter special sessions study abroad program in any region with a focus on political science or a closely related field; awards are for $1,000 to be applied to the cost of the study abroad program. Applications are due by October 1 (Winter)/March 15 (Summer).  Apply Here


  • CAHSS Dean’s Education Abroad Scholarship

Recognizing the financial challenges some of our students face, the CAHSS Dean’s Office has established this study abroad scholarship. Awards will typically range from $2,500-$5,000 to help offset the additional costs associated with studying abroad. This scholarship program is specifically geared towards students who, due to financial circumstances, may not consider study abroad as a viable financial possibility.

Recipients will be expected to share their study abroad experience with the campus community through social media or other approved outreach activities

Apply Here 


DEPARTMENT AWARDS – these awards are chosen by the faculty in the Department of Political Science in the spring. Awards are announced at the senior/alumni spring reception in April.

  • Outstanding Senior
  • Outstanding Scholar
  • Outstanding Scholar-Leader




CLICK HERE FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE McNAIR SCHOLARS PROGRAM FOR GRADUATE STUDY PREPARATION (for students who are low income and first generation college students, or from traditionally under-represented groups in higher education)



The Minc Law Scholarship; $1,500 award. To apply students must write an essay or create a video to respond to the following question: Should there be federal laws that protect victims of cyberbulling, online harassment, revenge porn, and online defamation? Explain why or why not, and if yes, what should those laws be.  Explain the pros and cons that could result if federal legislation were passed by Congress to attempt to address these issues?